Planning submitted for the former Lockerbie Academy site in Dumfries & Galloway.
12 Oct 2018
Collective Architecture is delighted to announce that plans have been submitted for planning on behalf of Cunninghame Housing Association, working in partnership with Dumfries & Galloway Council to deliver their Strategic Housing Investment Plan, for the redevelopment of the site of the former Lockerbie Academy to provide forty-five new affordable houses.
Forming a key gateway to the town of Lockerbie, the proposals for the brownfield site consist of a mix of semi-detached and terraced two storey housing, alongside cottage flats and amenity bungalows. A considered approach to the site layout has sought to build on the strong sense of place within Lockerbie, which has been a common theme expressed in consultation with the local community.
Project Architect, Ross Aitchison said: “We are delighted to be bringing forward these proposals with Cunninghame Housing Association for such a significant site. Like many similar sized towns, Lockerbie requires increasing provision of high-quality affordable housing.
To meet this need we have worked closely with the client, and through engagement with the local community, to form a place with a strong sense of character. In doing so we have looked to reference and evoke the familiar, enduring qualities of the high quality public housing built in Scotland in the early 20th Century. Using a palette of repeating architectural elements, we are bringing forward proposals which will resonate with the local community and create a strong feeling of ‘home’ for the new residents.”