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Platform 3, Dundashill

Port Dundas, North Glasgow


Completed May 2024


£21 million


West of Scotland Housing Assocation

Collective Architecture was appointed by WSHA through their consultant’s framework to develop proposals for Dundashill at Platform 3. The brief was to design the affordable housing to Passivhaus standard and to allow for additional low carbon technology provision. 

The finished development provides 90 mid-market rent housing units, including 4-storey blocks of flats and a 7-storey landmark building. The homes are built to Passivhaus standard, with low carbon air source heat pump technology which reduces the building’s carbon footprint and contributes towards the Scottish Government’s target for emissions from heating buildings to reach net zero by 2045.

Dundashill is a former distillery site of approximately 27 acres located in the Port Dundas area of Glasgow, immediately north of the city centre. The neighbourhood is fast gaining prominence as an alternative, creative destination where urban adventure activities blend with a strong arts and cultural presence. The growth of a new community will be supported by a kick-starter programme, curated by a local community interest company set up to explore and promote social approaches to city development. 

Construction of housing commenced in April 2022, with a local housing association in line to deliver affordable homes built to Passivhaus standard. BIGG Regeneration, a joint venture between Scottish Canals and Places for People Capital, will deliver the first homes for sale on the site, building on the success of its nearby Maryhill Locks development. This phase is the first completed development as part of wider masterplan to regenerate the area. 

These ultra-low energy homes will be managed by Westscot Living (a subsidiary of West of Scotland Housing Association) and consist of a mix of 1 to 3 bedroom flats with high quality landscaping, urban play area and exceptional views overlooking the city. 

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Company Registered in Scotland No. SC240055