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Sust Exhibition

The Lighthouse, Glasgow

Sust Exhibition

The Lighthouse, Glasgow

Completed February 2007

The Lighthouse

Value £3k

Sust, The Lighthouse on sustainability

An exhibition based on a feasibility study carried out by Collective Architecture for Scottish Enterprise. A sustainable office development in the east end of Glasgow.

The exhibition itself takes the form of a ‘brick table’ created from reclaimed bricks with recesses created which hold recycled materials used in the building along with drawings and a model of the final proposals. The brick table dimensions are based on the module of a single brick and represents the base of the building. There is also an opportunity for public feedback in the exhibition through a questionnaire brick which holds a questionnaire sheet while stickers provided allow people to choose their favourite material.

These are inserted into a ‘wall’ which, over the course of the exhibition, will be built by the public with their responses. The exhibition also gives a glimpse of the wider context of sustainable design in Scotland through a selection of projects ranging from recycling centres to the Scottish Parliament.

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