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Water Row Masterplan

Govan, Glasgow






Govan Housing Assocation / Glasgow City Council / Central Govan Action Plan


Scottish Government


Scottish Design Award - Commendation

Govan Housing Association, in partnership with Glasgow City Council and Central Govan Action Plan commissioned the masterplan for Water Row in Govan, Glasgow. From the outset the brief identified the need for approximately 100-150 new, energy efficient affordable housing targeting Passivhaus Standard, community controlled commercial space and associated high quality public realm in and around Water Row.

Water Row is one of the most exciting development sites in Glasgow at this present time. Successive planning documents over the last decade acknowledge the site’s pivotal role in determining both the upward trajectory of Govan’s recovery and the inspiring transformation of the city’s waterfront.

Water Row is located within Govan’s Town Centre. It is both physically and historically connected to Glasgow by the River Clyde waterfront and Govan’s town centre. The site’s significance in the development of Glasgow’s City Plan is also critical to the proposed masterplan. It is one of the key strategic priority sites connecting Glasgow West to Glasgow South.

The masterplan proposals seek to put Govan ‘back on the map’ by taking advantage of the site’s central location at the heart of Govan Town Centre, its link to the Clyde Waterfront and improved connectivity as a result of the planned Govan to Partick Bridge.

Through an understanding of Govan’s character and identity, proposals consider different forms and layouts that might be appropriate for new buildings and places at Water Row. Early ideas were generated from existing building elevation studies and historic roofscapes, and how these might be interpreted into new build forms/rhythms.

The preferred masterplan approach evolved following extensive consultation with the local community and key stakeholder groups. The extent of the engagement process brought both challenges and opportunities. It provided the project team with the richest possible backdrop for thoughts and ideas surrounding the site and the future development.

Arranged over varied massing, the preferred masterplan layout comprises of 159 flatted dwellings, 41 terraced houses/town houses and approximately 3500sqm of commercial space. The proposal defines both existing and new urban edges, reinstating Govan Cross and establishing a strong frontage to the river. Whilst establishing strong routes to the river, blocks along Water Row are staggered, framing views within and, outwith the site, forming a strong edge to a new public square at the proposed bridge landing point. A landmark tower block is proposed at the new arrival point from the river, reinforcing and adding to Govan’s unique character.

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